Greater Antillean Grackle

The Greater Antillean Grackle (Quiscalus niger) is a medium-sized bird native to the Caribbean region. They typically measure between 11 to 13 inches in length, with a wingspan of about 16 inches. Adult males are larger than females and can weigh up to 5.3 ounces, while females generally weigh around 3.9 ounces.

One of the most distinguishing field marks of the Greater Antillean Grackle is their glossy black plumage with an iridescent blue-green sheen. Their yellow eyes and long, sharp beaks also make them easily recognizable. In flight, their long tails are noticeable, and their wings produce a distinct sound.

Greater Antillean Grackles are non-migratory and can be found year-round in their native range, which includes Cuba, Jamaica, Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, and the Cayman Islands. They prefer to live in open habitats such as savannas, pastures, and agricultural areas, but can also be found in urban areas, including parks and gardens.

These birds are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods, including insects, fruits, seeds, and small vertebrates. They are also known to feed on garbage in urban areas, making them a common sight in cities throughout the Caribbean.

Although the Greater Antillean Grackle is not considered threatened, their populations have declined in some areas due to habitat loss and competition with other bird species. They are still widespread and adaptable, however, and can be found in a variety of habitats throughout their range. Their charismatic personality and striking appearance make them a favorite among bird watchers and photographers in the Caribbean region.

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