The Buff-bellied Hummingbird (Amazilia yucatanensis) is a small, colorful bird that is found in parts of Mexico and the southern United States. They are one of the larger species of hummingbirds, measuring up to 4.3 inches in length, with a wingspan of up to 5.1 inches. They weigh between 0.11-0.21 ounces, which is about the weight of two to four pennies.
One of the most distinctive field marks of the Buff-bellied Hummingbird is its buff-colored belly, which gives it its name. They also have a green back and head, with a dark blue-black tail. Males have a striking iridescent green throat, while females have a paler throat and breast. They have a long, thin bill, which they use to probe flowers for nectar and insects.
Buff-bellied Hummingbirds are primarily non-migratory, but some populations do move northward during the breeding season. In the United States, they are found along the Gulf Coast, from Florida to Texas. In Mexico, they are found in the Yucatan Peninsula and along the eastern coast of the country. They prefer humid, wooded habitats, including forests, mangroves, and gardens.
These hummingbirds are also known for their distinctive vocalizations, which include a sharp, metallic chip and a buzzy trill. They are highly territorial and will aggressively defend their feeding and nesting territories from other hummingbirds and small birds.
Despite being relatively common in their range, Buff-bellied Hummingbirds face threats from habitat loss and degradation, as well as from collisions with buildings and other structures. Conservation efforts include the creation and preservation of suitable habitat, as well as the placement of nest boxes and hummingbird feeders to support local populations.