The Yellow-throated Vireo is a small passerine bird native to North America. It is about 5.5 inches (14 cm) long and weighs around 0.4 oz (11 g). This bird has a distinct yellow throat and breast, contrasted with olive-green upperparts, making it easy to identify in the field. The wings and tail are dark with two white wing bars, and the eyes have white spectacles around them, providing another recognizable feature.
During the breeding season, Yellow-throated Vireos can be found in deciduous forests throughout the eastern United States and into southern Canada. They build their nests in the forks of branches, usually high in the canopy. In the fall, they migrate to Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean, where they spend the winter in tropical forests.
Yellow-throated Vireos primarily feed on insects, spiders, and other small invertebrates. They glean their prey from leaves and branches and sometimes catch insects in flight. They also eat berries and fruit during the winter months when insects are less abundant.
One interesting behavior of the Yellow-throated Vireo is its song, which is a series of clear, whistled notes that ascend and then descend. The male sings from high in the trees during the breeding season to attract a mate and defend his territory. The female also sings a similar song, but it is shorter and not as loud.
Although the Yellow-throated Vireo is not considered endangered, habitat loss due to deforestation and other human activities threatens their populations. Conservation efforts, such as preserving forests and protecting migratory stopover sites, can help ensure the survival of this and other migratory bird species.