Switch to Scrollable View December 2019 Sanderlings Celebrate a Maine Christmas Bald Eagles at the Dump Purple Sandpipers Glaucous Gull Reid State Park after Storm Our Son’s California Neighborhood November 2019 Birding The Salton Sea Dickcissel in Maine American Pipit Winter Sea Birds Have Arrived American Tree Sparrows Arrive October 2019 Ruddy Ducks in Maine Birding after the Storm Birding in Puerto Rico September 2019 Monhegan Island Black Skimmers in Maine Marsh Wren The Pelagic Trip from Hell Merlin vs. Semipalmated Sandpiper August 2019 Searching for a Western Sandpiper Birding in Casco Bay Marbled Godwit American Oystercatcher Northern Bobwhite Pectoral Sandpiper July 2019 Popham Beach Whimbrels Migrating South Piping Plover Chicks Visit to Eastern Egg Rock Black-capped Chickadee Bird Box Pine Siskin in July Great Blue Heron Rookery June 2019 Rushing home from Cape Cod Nelson’s Sparrow Morning at Green Point Chasing One Bird at a Time Trumpeter Swan Upland Sandpiper Sora Saltmarsh Sparrow Chukar May 2019 Don’t Forget The Shorebirds Saddleback Mountain Birding Five Days Without a Post The Magic Warbler Tree Birding in New Orleans Migration in Full Swing Montrose Point Bird Sanctuary Little Egret Grassland and Pine Barrens April 2019 Cusp of Warbler Migration Spring Migration Picking Up Speed Rain Rain Rain Back in Maine Pyrrhuloxia Vermillion Flycatcher Magnificent Hummingbird Playing Tourist in Arizona Verdin Lucy’s Warbler March 2019 Four FOY Birds Double-crested Cormorant Great Blue Heron American Woodcock American Wigeon Popular Lady Ring-necked Duck Great Egret Sharp-shinned Hawk Bohemian Waxwings Razorbill February 2019 Horned Grebe Barrow’s Goldeneye Bald Eagle Red-throated Loon Snow Goose Snowy Owl Eruption Cliff House Searching for a Barrow’s Goldeneye February Thaw Eurasian Wigeon January 2019 Mergansers on a 5 Degree Morning Searching for the Canvasback Recovering from Knee Replacement Last Birding for a Month Ring-necked Duck (the Rare Bird that is always Here) White Dove TweetPinShare