Ingrid and I are recovering from a disastrous birding weekend. In early January we signed up for a boat trip to Machias Seal Island. Located between in the Atlantic between the USA and Canada (the Island is disputed) . . . it houses 8000+ nesting Atlantic Puffins, Razorbills, Common Murres and Terns . . . and if the seas are right, visitors are allowed to walk the island.
Last year’s trip was cancelled due to bad weather and sadly this year’s trip was cancelled as well . . . but only after we had driven 3 and a half hours and rented at hotel room.
This morning I got back on the horse and headed out to Green Point in Dresden for some before work birding,
Baltimore Orioles were everywhere and I picked up three FOY birds . . . a Rusty Blackbird, Black-billed Cuckoo and Willows Flycatcher.