Last Christmas I was stumped on what to give Ingrid.
Earrings??? Nah, been there done that.
Clothes??? My taste is awful.
A new vacuum??? Grounds for divorce.
So finally I decided upon a vacation trip to Seattle. Ingrid had never been to the Pacific Northwest and had always want to visit . . . so a perfect Christmas Present was found!!!!
While the vacation has been primarily a typical tourist trip (Space Needle, Wine Tasting, Bainbridge Island, etc.) we managed to do a little birding.
Our favorite bird so far is the two Chestnut-backed Chickadees we observed building a nest in a tree cavity at Discovery Park.
Other lifers were Black Turnstones, where we observed dozens foraging on rocks in West Seattle.
And the a pair of distant Rhinoceros Auklets that were sadly out of photo range.
And scores of birds we had seen before but not since our last trip out west.