While winter in Maine is long and usually stormy (not so much this winter), its a great place to be a birder. Birds that nest in the high arctic push into the state for a little day light and better weather.
One of the winter highlights each year is the return of Snow Buntings . . . a large mostly white sparrow. The usually travel in flocks and can be found on beaches and fields.
The old Naval Air Station in Brunswick (now an industrial park) is a great place to find them . . . generally in a large vacant lot near the airport’s main office.
Last weekend Ingrid and I saw a Redhead, a stunning duck that should be wintering along the Mid-Atlantic Seaboard . . . but the unseasonably warm weather has kept the fresh water open on many of the lakes and ponds.

Spring will be here in three months . . . sigh. At least the birds are here