Ingrid has been a 4th grade teacher for decades and thus has developed immunity to all disease. Even during the worst of Omnicron when most of her students tested positive . . . Ingrid remained healthy. And her super-human immune system extends to the flu, the common cold and probably cat-scratch fever.
Of course being mortal, I am susceptible to everything (like most men, I’m a bit of a hypochondriac) and my wife brings many of the classroom diseases home for me to enjoy.
So a couple days ago as I’m lying in bed close to death (note the aforementioned hypochondria) I learned of a Harris’s Sparrow in Turner, Maine about an hour away.
The Harris’s Sparrow should be wintering in Oklahoma by now (they nest north of the Arctic Circle) . . . for a birder, seeing one in Maine is really cool!!!!
Unfortunately I was sick in bed and for two days I heard reports of the Bird being seen under a juniper bush . . . and not being able to chase it.
So yesterday morning I woke up feeling much better (its a miracle!!!!) and rushed up to the Turner Farmhouse and got this beautiful bird.
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