The Common Ringed Plover primarily nests in Greenland and the high arctic of Canada before migrating toward its winter home in Africa.

The nearly identical Semipalmated Plover migrates by the thousands through North America. Vagrant Common Ringed Plover individuals are probably missed in these autumn hordes that descend upon American beaches.
Yesterday, January 31, 2023, this Common Ringed Plover was found on Timber Point Trail in Biddeford, Maine. Initially identified as a Semipalmated Plover and photographed by Tom Aversa (a “Semi” in January in Maine is still quite remarkable), Maine Audubon’s Doug Hitchcox ID’ed the bird as a “Ringed”. Amazing find.
Late January in Maine is not a great time to bird in Maine. It is cold, migration won’t start for another month, it is cold, birders have seen most of the interesting species, . . . and did I mention it is cold?
But in addition to the Common Ringed Plover, the last few days have been fun.
On Monday, I photographed a Fish Crow and an Iceland Gull (both rare for Maine) together in a grocery store parking lot.

And on Sunday on the way to brunch, Ingrid and I stumbled upon two Red-shouldered Hawks about a mile apart. Again, this is a bird one rarely sees during the winter.