Ethan and Ingrid’s 2024 Big Year (Week 21)

A recap of the 21st week of our 48 State Big Year (2024). This week we tick-off the Atlantic Puffin in our home state of Maine, quote from Emily Dickinson and use our Big Year to get out of Jury Duty!!!


  1. By Sister Marty Dermody -

    Puffin promised, puffins added! They are such great little birds to enjoy and I loved finding them in Maine a few years ago! Awesome recap and thanks for the opportunity to follow you and Ethan!
    Blessings for the next leg of your journey!
    Peace, Sister Marty

  2. By Patti Goodman -

    I’m enjoying following your adventure! Atlantic Puffins are at the top of my bucket list, so my husband and I are heading to Maine next summer! We added Bobolinks to our life list last month in Galveston. Such beautiful and unique birds! I love that the judge excused you from jury duty – she recognized you’re on an important mission. Prayers for continued safe travels. Thank you for sharing your big year adventure.

  3. By Kathleen Rawdon -

    Great update. I am glad Judge Judy is allowing you the chance to get the Five-striped sparrow!!
    I love checking in. Good luck!

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