Ethan and Ingrid’s 2024 Big Year (Week 42)

In this week’s recap, we reach 700 birds for the year . . . in the most unsatisfying way possible and unveil the embargoed bird from Arizona during week 41.

We also . . . for no apparent reason . . . show the most iconic television commercial ever made.




  1. By Kathy Rawdon -

    A BIG CONGRATULATIONS ON REACHING YOUR GOAL OF 700!!……..and with 2 months to go.
    You can relax a bit now and enjoy the bonus days of birding ahead.
    I am just back from Ghana after an 18 day birding adventure. I was very happy with the outcome but especially loved experiencing that country.
    Bravo, Kathy

  2. By Linda Gardrel -

    Congratulations , Ingrid and Ethan!!! I knew you could and would do it!! Reaching 700 is a fabulous milestone!! It’s the stratosphere for most of us! With two months left, you may hit 725! 🤞

    Linda Gardrel

  3. By Sister Marty Dermody -

    Way to go, I am so happy for both of you as you hit the 700 mark for your Big Year. Congratulations. Continue to pray for you as you continue the last two months of your time with the birds. I love your posts and stories that go along with finding your birds.
    Many blessings and keep up the good work.
    Peace, Sr. Marty

  4. By Marilyn Vickers -

    Wow! I am visiting Camille and Greg in the Catskills and was telling them that your goal was 700, but you weren’t sure you would make it this late in the season. I had missed a few of your weekly updates. I opened this one so they could see how much fun your blog is, and I saw the 700 milestone! Well done, you two!
    👏👏 Love from your cousins!

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