Ethan and Ingrid’s 2024 Big Year (Week 48)

As our Big Year calendar flips into December, we wrap up our final “scheduled” trip of the year. We pick up two rarities and explore some of our favorite Lone Star hot spots.


  1. By Sister Marty Dermody -

    Congratulations on your journeys during this BIG YEAR. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading your updates and enjoying the birds you found on your trips across country. Cant’ wait to see the ending story of your trips.
    Blessings to each of you and all who you connected with during your journey.
    Thanks for sharing your birds, stories and fun as you did your BIG YEAR.
    Peace, Sister Marty Dermody, coming from Cincinnati, OH

  2. By Linda Gardrel -

    Ingrid and Ethan,

    You have accomplished your goal and then some, be very proud of yourselves. I have enjoyed your birding trips and discoveries since meeting you at the Southeast Arizona Birding Festival this past August. Thank you for taking me along as I live and bird vicariously through you!!

    Congratulations and Happy Holidays!
    Linda Gardrel, RI

  3. By Kathy Rawdon -

    What a year! Congratulations on reaching 707. I have a feeling with your current record that that number will increase before Dec. 31.
    You saw so much of our country and met a lot of like -minded people along the way.
    Waiting for the WRAP UP. Happy you could fulfill your goal ; not an easy task! Glad I ran into you both chasing a KING RAIL in Ma. I feel I was sort of on your journey with you!

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