Ethan and Ingrid’s 2024 Big Year – FINAL RECAP OF THE ENTIRE ADVENTURE

A fun and final recap of Ethan and Ingrid’s entire 2024 Big Year. Join a retired couple from Maine as they break outside of their comfort zone for a Lower 48 State Big Year . . . a contest to identify as many species of birds as possible in a calendar year.

  •  What were our favorite birds?

  •  How many miles did we drive?

  •  How many plane flights?

  •  What bird didn’t we find . . . again and again and again.

  •  What were our Favorite birding adventures?

  •  Worst road possible.

  •  Nicest people.

  •  How many species total.

  •  What did we do wrong?

  •  How many states did we visit?

  •  How many life birds.

  •  Longest Stakeout?

  •  How many pieces of “Lifer Pie”?

Be sure to watch to the end for a special message to our followers.


  1. By Barbara Henderson -

    Thank you so much for your entertaining videos. We start our Big Year tomorrow 1/1/25 in our home state of Florida. You have been an inspiration. If we get half the birds you did I’ll be happy!! Barbara Henderson

    • By Ethan Whitaker -

      Hi Barbara, Thanks for the kind words . . . good luck on your Big Year . . . I’m sure you will do great.

  2. By Kathy Rawdon -

    WHAT A YEAR and to be able to document your adventure makes it so interesting to us followers who are rooting for you.
    Congratulations on such an awesome accomplishment ( and the even harder part of giving up the “lifer pie”)
    I have a feeling another challenge is ahead … you still need that three toed woodpecker?
    Thank you for these chapters of pure entertainment. I feel so lucky to have run into you chasing the KING RAIL at Burrage. That is when my “journey” with you began as well.
    Keep me in the loop,
    Happy New year ,

    • By Ethan Whitaker -

      Thanks Kathy . . . glad we met you on the King Rail stakeout and that you could join us vicariously on our adventure.

  3. By Marilyn Vickers -

    Congratulations on your Big Year! From my armchair, I have thoroughly enjoyed your adventure. I was thinking of you a few days ago and thought I should write to tell you how much I like your 2025 calendar. Then this final episode popped up, and I knew it would be my New Year’s Eve entertainment to watch it through. Amazing! Thank you! Cuz Marilyn

    • By Ethan Whitaker -

      Hey Cuz, quit talking about the calendar in public forums . . . they only go to very special friends and relatives . . . lol. Can’t wait to see you in Sain Simons.

  4. By Gordon Payne -

    Congratulations to you both on your amazing accomplishment! It was a pleasure to be involved in a small way (Yellow-headed Caracara).
    Gord Payne & Lisa Bonato

    • By Ethan Whitaker -

      Thanks so much for your help on a very hot and miserable stakeout. Glad we met each other.

  5. By Sister Martt Dermody -

    Thanks so very much for sharing this Big Year journey with all of us, I am most grateful for the stories and updates of your year, and wish both a very Happy New Year.
    Love the clever way you have shared your time and birds. Congratulations on your feat!
    Thanks so very much! I am out birding tomorrow morning! Happy birding and I will look forward to checking out your books.
    Peace, Sister Marty Dermody, SC from Cincinnati, OH

    • By Ethan Whitaker -

      Hi Sister Marty, You have to be our loyalist follower. Thank you for coming along on the ride with us and thank you for all the support. You are the best!!!

      Ethan and Ingrid

  6. By Susan Scanlon -

    I’ve loved following your journey and can’t wait to get the book.

    Are you planning to release the Big Year Assistant? I would love to have that ap!

    I hope you come up with another fun birding quest and will allow all your fans to follow that one as well

    • By Ethan Whitaker -

      Hi Susan, We are trying to work thru some licensing issues before we can put the Big Year Assistant out. Thanks for following us this year.

  7. By Bonnie Tate -

    What a wonderful journey! I met you both in that parking lot looking at the Long-eared Owl but didn’t know you were starting a Big Year! I ended the year seeing a Pink-footed Goose like the movie, “The Big Year” which is a favorite of mine. Happy 2025!

    • By Ethan Whitaker -

      Hi Bonnie . . . that’s wild that we met on the first day. And Getting a Pink Footed Goose on the last day of the year is so funny. A good chunk of the year the Snowy Owl was our nemesis . . . just like Bostick. Thanks for watching.

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