Ever have one of those days that everywhere you look you see the same bird? Today it was the Tree Sparrow.
At lunch time today I set off for Durham, Maine . . . a Lark Sparrow was being seen at a feeder. While the Lark Sparrow is a common species in the west during summer and California during the winter . . . they are rare east of the Mississippi and to see one in Maine during January is incredible.
It was seen at the residence in the morning but refused to come out in the afternoon . . . I waited for two hours. But Tree Sparrows were everywhere.
I then travelled to the town of Newcastle where Brown-headed Cowbirds were being seen. Upon arrival, they were right where they had been reported on e-bird, as was the Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. But just so were more Tree Sparrows.
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”312″ display=”pro_mosaic”]My third stop of the day, a pawn shop where a Goshawk had been reported (not seen) had a number of . . . you guessed it . . . Tree Sparrows!!!!