The Brant is a long distance migrator. They breed north of the Arctic Circle and winter between Long Island Sound and South Carolina. They are occasionally seen in Maine while moving through during migration . . . but don’t stay very long.
This winter, three Brants have taken up residence in Cape Elizabeth, Maine . . . so this afternoon I made and excursion to see them and also to get a Harlequin Duck (they are an easy pickup in Cape).
As soon as I parked in Kettle Cove, before I could finished my sandwich, the Brants flew right in front of my car and landed nearby in clump of sea weed.
I watched and photographed them for ten minutes as they eventually walked into the surf and swam off.
[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”313″ display=”pro_mosaic”]The Harlequin Ducks were a bit more challenging. A big storm is coming up the coast . . . creating a massive surf. Perhaps the waves drove the Ducks away. Ingrid and I will have to make another trip to see them.