The finch eruption of 2020-2021 continues with reports of Red-breasted Nuthatches showing up in Florida and Evening Grosbeaks in New Mexico. This been good and bad for my Maine Big Year. Purple Finches and Pine Siskins have blown south of the State (bad), while Crossbills and Redpolls are in southern Maine and easier to find.
I found large flocks of Red Crossbills and White-winged Crossbills in a Kennebunkport cemetary feeding at the tops of enormous spruce trees. After watching them for 45 minutes, my arms and neck ached from holding my binoculars and cameras up.

After that I drove to the beach and immediately heard a Redpoll screech . . . this was too easy.

And on the way home I stopped at a great gull viewing spot and got my first Iceland Gull of the year . . . a bird I have trouble finding each year.

A great day and brings my year count to 103.