Some days it’s fun to set little challenges for one’s self. When I used to run, it would be cover so many miles in such and such at time. In recent years it’s been about finding birds.
Each spring, it is exciting to spot the first returning Red-wing Blackbird (early March); the first Eastern Phoebe (late March); and the first Warbler (early April).
So this week I set a goal of spotting the first migrating Warbler of the year in Maine (note there are a few Pine and Yellow-rumped Warblers that over winter).
The first migrating Warbler is almost always a Palm Warbler and I figured it would arrive sometime this week. So I spent a lot of time checking all off the likely locations in the area . . . and this morning in Freeport I spotted a yellow birds with a maroon cap and a bobbing tail . . . the first Palm Warbler in Maine this year!!!
Woo Hoo!!!!!
I clearly need psychological help.