Went out birding for a couple hours this morning and while there are still snow banks in driveways and white patches in the woods . . . but there are signs of spring everywhere.
Crocuses can be see in places, wood frogs are croaking in the evening and new birds are arriving every day.
Today, I found four first of the year Piping Plovers running up and down Higgins Beach in Scarborough. I pointed out the birds to half a dozen dog walkers and all were very appreciative of my warning. Dogs and Piping Plovers have a difficult history and the large fine for harming a Plover is a great deterent.

Saw a Great Egret behind a closed for the winter Clam Shack . . . I never left the car as I parked 20 feet from the bird and got some great photos.

And I got another Pied-billed Grebe . . . a bird that can be difficult to find in Maine . . . three since Sunday.