Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ethan and Ingrid’s 2024 Big Year (Week 29)

A recap of the 29th week of our 48 State Big Year (2024). We finish our trip to Florida and return to Maine. In the process we take another crack at the Yellow-headed Caracara, collect a couple more sea bird tics on a Maine based whale watch and make an homage to Paul Harvey. Good […]

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Ethan and Ingrid’s 2024 Big Year (Week 27)

Ethan and Ingrid’s 2024 Big Year (Week 27) A recap of the 27th week of our 48 State Big Year (2024). Well that headline is really a lie . . . it’s actually a review of a bird we saw in late May . . . a Willow Ptarmigan. This bird of the high arctic […]

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Bicknell’s Thrush

This morning Ingrid and I loaded into a van with eight other crazy birders and headed up the Mt. Washington Auto Road in quest of a highly sought after bird. . . the Bicknell’s Thrush.  It’s a tiny brownish bird with a raspy, uninteresting song  . . . so why is the Bicknell’s so fascinating […]

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Greater Sage-Grouse

Today we visited a Greater Sage-Grouse Lek in Henefer, Utah.   A Lek is a a courting display, where dozens of male and female Grouse gather together in a dawn mating ritual. Males will repeatedly expand their chests, which are equipped  with special air sacks, trying to impress females. We arrived an hour before dawn, […]

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Elegant Trogon

Before our Big Year began, Ingrid and I talked about which bird we were most looking forward to (hopefully) seeing over the course of the year. I was hoping to see a Great Gray Owl . . . basically for petty reasons  . . . as it was the only species Ingrid had seen that […]

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With a name that is as difficult to pronounce as it is to spell, the Pyrrhuloxia is often mistaken for a female Northern Cardinal. Found in brushy desert habitat of the Southwest, it can be differentiated from a Cardinal by its stubby yellowish bill and comical pointed crest.  

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